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MTG02 Agenda BETONIQ Factories Ltd. - Board Meeting

In the BETONIQ Factories Ltd. - Board Meeting, the topics that are described in the statues and shareholders agreement are discussed. Also the most important subjects that influence the entire BETONIQ organization are discussed. Board members are invited at least 2 weeks prior to the Board Meeting and are provided with an Agenda with specific subjects at that moment. The Board members will also receive all relevant documents at least 2 full weeks days before the meeting. Board members are allowed to join in via a Telegram call. The Minutes of the Board Meeting are distributed within 2 weeks after the meeting.

Attending persons: All members of the Board of Directors of BETONIQ Factories Ltd..
Frequency: 1x per month.

Agenda BETONIQ Factories Ltd. - Board Meeting (Download here)

1 Opening and Announcements
1.a Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting..
1.b This meeting is organized to....

2 Organization
2.a Evaluation Management.
2.b Evaluation Product Development.
2.c Evaluation Factory.
2.d Evaluation Funding process until now.
2.e Evaluation Organization.
2.f Evaluation Expansion.

3 Contracts and Approvals
3.a Employment: name person.
3.b Register of Shares / Articles of Association.
3.c Acquisition Budget Applications.
3.d Project Budget Applications.
3.e Additional Budget Applications.

4 Timetable
4.a Progress in Planning.

5 Design
5.a Strategy: Organization.
5.b Strategy: Product Development.
5.b Strategy: Factory / Funding.
5.c Quality System.
5.d Risk Management System.

6 Realization
6.a Task list / Acquisition List / Project List.

7 Financial Details
7.a Expenses Report.
7.b Financial prognoses until end 20xx.

8 Other Business and Closing
8.a Other Business (round table question).
8.b Next meeting.

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